Directors and Officers:
Mary Erickson, President; Chuck Erickson; Vice President; Judy Matson, Secretary; Gary Matson,Treasurer. Board members: Sue Furey, Warren Hampton.
We especially appreciate the inspiration provided by Joe Devlin, Board member "emeritus" who passed away December 18, 2016.
Many thanks to Past Board Members: Kevin Furey, Barb Bush, Cindy Jimmerson, Elizabeth Vigeland, Jill Russell Max, Jeannette Slate, Shawn Crimmins and Alison Mynsberge, Maria Ibarbia, Jennifer Slayden, Senta Sandberg, Alice Whiteman.
Chuck Erickson was born in Missoula and went to Franklin Grade School. On his mother’s side he is a 7th generation native of the Missoula and Bitterroot Valley. His father came from a large close family so as a small child he spent most of his time with family in Milltown. He graduated from Missoula County High School. Chuck served in the Navy as a Salvage Diver and Instructor on Guam and in Viet Nam. Upon returning to Missoula he started the first Search and Rescue Dive Team under Sheriff John Moe. Chuck moved to Milltown in his high school years and has lived in this area since. He has a Master Plumbers license and worked in the HVAC field as a service technician with 38 years experience. He was an Instructor for Local 459 Plumbers and Pipefitters Union for over 30 years. Chuck is a past president of Friends of 2 Rivers, and of the Bonner Milltown Community Council. and is currently serving on the Council. He is an active volunteer at Milltown State Park.
Mary Erickson: Mary Erickson is a founding member of Friends of Two Rivers. She and Chuck experienced the cleanup and restoration “close up and personal” from their place on the Clark Fork River. In addition to tending the home place, a large garden, 7 horses, and 3 dogs, and a herd of heritage Herefords, Mary volunteers in her church, local community, and Milltown State Park. She served on the Milltown Redevelopment Working Group as a member of the Recreation Committee and as a representative to the Blackfoot Challenge. Missoula County Commissioners awarded 2015 Land Stewardship Award by the Missoula County commissioners to the Ericksons for their work to restore the health of their property along the Clark Fork River.
Sue Furey: Sue Furey is usually on the run. Although she competes in triathlons, trains for the Missoula Marathon, and chairs the local Super Fun(d) Run, Sue saves energy for involvement in local activities and was a member of the Milltown Redevelopment Working Group. She is the Department Chair of Life Skills at Sentinel, Special Olympics advisor, and representative for the Montana Education Association. Sue and husband Tim live in Piltzville.
Warren Hampton was born in Missoula. He attended Clinton Elementary School, Sentinel High School, and received his architecture degree from Montana State University. After working in Montana for some years, he moved to Arizona. He obtained a graduate degree from The University of Arizona and was a faculty member until he returned to Montana in 2001 to work for OZ Architects in Missoula. He now has his own company. Warren has attended the Milltown Redevelopment Working Group meetings for several years. He lives on the "home place" in Turah.
Gary Matson: Gary came to Montana from Nebraska in 1967 to attend grad school at UM partly because UM had the only college catalog with mountains on its cover. He became active in environmental concerns, his environmental awareness enhanced by the first Earth Day in 1970 and the belief that humans do have the right to a “clean and healthful environment” as stated in our Montana Constitution. Gary and his wife Judy raised their two children in West Riverside. In 1968 he established and recently sold Matson’s Lab, a wildlife laboratory offering analytical services for wildlife conservation. He has served as a member of the Milltown Redevelopment Working Group and the Community Council.
Judy Matson: Judy is active in local historic preservation efforts, serving as Co-Director of the Bonner Milltown History Center. She also reviews interpretation initiatives for Milltown State Park. Judy lives in West Riverside with her husband Gary. When not volunteering, she enjoys cooking, flying with Gary in his Cesna 150 and reading non-fiction and historic fiction.
In memoriam Joe Devlin: Joe’s love of the outdoors, hunting, camping, and fishing led him down unexpected paths. As a teenager in Oregon, Joe answered the recruiting ads of the National Ski Association and volunteered for Army duty in World War II and service in the elite 10th Mountain Division. Joe, his wife Kay, and their 5 children came to Missoula in the mid 1960’s and ultimately to West Riverside. Joe was familiar to friends and neighbors who greeted him on his daily walks. Joe became informed on the issues of the Superfund cleanup and joined Friends of Two Rivers shortly after it formed.