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Friends of 2 Rivers

A citizens' organization committed to promoting a safe, healthy and enriching environment for the communities at the confluence of the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers.

This class taught to over fifty folks in Helena, first offering in the Missoula area:


By Helena Artist Lou Archambault

Sat & Sun, March 9th and 10th, 9 am – 4pm, Bonner School


The first Hooked on Art was held on February 11, 2006. This recording by Living Portrait Video, created by Dave and Kathy Pleasant, captured scenes from the Art Market and preserved the special presentation: a panel of Walter Hook's friends, family and colleagues including Richard Bush, Janet Hook Julin, Rudy and Lela Autio, and George Gogas.


In 2010 Bob Phinney was the Hooked on Art featured artist.  Bob spoke on "Creating Harmony with Nature."

The video was created by MCAT, Missoula Community Access Television.



In 2011 George Gogas returned to Hooked on Art as featured artist. His retrospect on Walter and description of his own work are memorable tributes to art and artists.

The video created by MCAT, Missoula Community Access Television, also contains views of the Art Market.

In 2012 Bobby Tilton was the Hooked on Art featured artist.  Bobby explored inspirations for her work as she discussed "Humor and Wisdom, Walter Hook's Influences."

The video was created by MCAT, Missoula Community Access Television.



History of Hook on Art


Hook on Art, established in 2006, is a natural celebration for Bonner. Walter Hook's friends and admirers had long felt a tribute was overdue. After the Friends of Two Rivers' first successful Confluence Day, Chuck and Mary Erickson and Gary and Judy Matson were celebrating with a burger at the River City Grill where they met Vic and Ilona Hangas.

Appreciative of the natural resource festival, Vic's comment, "What we really need is to honor Walter Hook." With that comment, a new Bonner tradition was born and is celebrated every year on the Saturday before Valentine's Day.

Tributes to Walter Hook

"He's my hero." Vic Hangas

"He was my grandfather. I like to look at him as an inspiration." Nissa Liesz


tom-yule"What I see is what you get."

Tom Yule, a life-long resident of the Milltown area, is a free-lance photographer and outdoor enthusiast.

His particular interest lies in capturing the delicate beauty of the wildflowers of Western Montana, as well as the scenic grandeur of the Treasure State. When it's not winter, you'll likely find him and his wife enjoying the tranquility of one of the numerous mountain lakes in their canoe, or snapping photos of flowers in some secluded meadow.

"I always look forward to seeing that first buttercup bursting out between early spring snow squalls."

Some of his works may be seen in the lobby of Two Rivers Bank, or you may contact him at 406-258-6450,  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more samples.


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maryann-eikensI marvel everyday at the beauty and strength of the natural world.  My intention in my work is to attempt to capture a moment in time and to convey the wonder and excitement found all around us in a creative way.  To tell a story, bring a smile, or to or evoke a feeling to the viewer.

For me, creating a sculpture involves a vision or a passion for something in life then being able to execute this idea in a creative way and hopefully to convey this to others.

The challenge of a three-dimensional art form and the tactile quality are what I love about sculpting in clay; that and the fact that the bronze art is classic and timeless.


Maryann Eikens has a BFA in Graphic Design from the University of Minnesota, Duluth.


She has been sculpting since 2005; bronze being the main medium, with occasional pieces in slip-cast clay.


Her sculptures are inspired by life, nature and by an active lifestyle. She has called Missoula home for the past 10 years. She is currently working on sculpting wolves, grizzlies, mountain lions and tigers, some of the live animals she had a chance to study and sculpt at a recent sculpture workshop.


She welcomes commissioned work including portraiture.


Juried Shows include: 2008 Western Heritage Show in Great Falls-Feature Artist,


2008 Tri-Cities Western Art Show- Quick-draw Artist,


2008 Wildlife Art Show in Jackson Hole,


2009 Loveland Sculpture Invitational Show.


2009, 2010, 2011 The Roots Festival in Missoula


Visit my website at:  www.maryanneikens.com






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